I want to add to that list.
- Self Portrait -Put a picture frame around your neck and sign your shirt.
- Pain in the Butt-Attach a bandage or large bandaid to your bottom.
- Eye Drops-Buy some fake eyeballs (either plastic or candy). When someone asks you what Halloween costume you’re wearing, pull them out and drop them on the floor.
- Life of the Party-Wear a lampshade on your head, a loosened tie and carry a martini glass.
- Got Milk-Wear a sign that says “Got Milk?”. Paint a milk mustache over your lip with make-up or other non-toxic white substance.
- Head in the Clouds- Stick cotton balls all over your hat or visor.
- Indentity Crisis-Put “Hello my name is…” tags with random names all over your body.
- Undercover Cop-Just wear your regular clothes. When someone challenges your lack of a costume, whip a fake badge out of your back pocket and tell them you’re “under cover.”
- Twitter Update-Attach a piece of paper to your shirt that says “at the costume party” (or wherever you are) with the time and date under it.
- What am I? – If you are totally clueless, you could dress in all black and have colorful question marks all over you. If people ask you what you are, reply: “I don’t know. What am I?”
Now I am going to use one of the above costumes can you guess which one? If you are right and are at Blissdom Canada’s Costume and Karoke night come and find me, I will have something for you.