
101 in 1001

This is my 101st blog post.  That’s pretty incredible.  I started this blog in the second trimester of pregnancy.  I wanted to write about my experience with pregnancy and keep people updated on my life.  I didn’t get into the swing of blogging until Cameron was a couple of months old, but since then, I’ve really embraced blogging.  It has been an outlet for me, a way to remember this experience, and a way to connect with friends, family, and the internet community.

So, for this hundred and first blog post, I’m going to do something a little different.  I’ve seen something around the internets called 101 in 1001.  It is kind of like a bucket list – but instead, it is a list of 101 goals to be completed within 1001 days.

I am going to cheat a slight bit.  You see, I could come up with 101 goals in a few days, but most of them would just be crap.  So, as I’m crossing goals off the list over the last 1001 days, I’m also going to be adding to the list until I hit 101 goals that are actually important to me.  Even as I have been thinking about this list over the past weekend, I know that I have thought of goals that I have forgotten as soon as I was about to write them down.  So the list will be a work in progress.

1001 days from today will be Monday, July 1, 2013.  I will be 27 years old.  Cameron will be over 3 years old. Dan and I will be married for just about 5 years.  And in 1001 days, these are the things that I want to accomplish:

  1. Sleep through the night
  2. Donate blood
  3. Don’t complain about anything for a week
  4. Have a completely clean house
  5. Plan meals for a month
  6. Cook every meal for a month
  7. Do Once-a-Month-Cooking
  8. Bake bread for all of our bread needs for a month
  9. Bake a cake and use fondant
  10. Bake cake pops
  11. Paint a canvas for Cam’s nursery
  12. Create Cam’s name in letters for his nursery
  13. Plan an amazing party for Cam’s first birthday
  14. Potty train Cameron
  15. Teach Cameron his ABC’s
  16. Teach Cameron how to count
  17. Teach Cameron how to count in French
  18. Be debt free
  19. Move into a house
  20. Do taxes in time
  21. Start my own business
  22. Make money from my photography
  23. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
  24. Apply for my Bachelor of Education
  25. Go back to school
  26. Become a teacher
  27. Don’t give up on Weight Watchers
  28. Get to my goal weight of 125 lbs
  29. Run a 5k
  30. Run a half marathon
  31. Go skydiving
  32. Get pregnant
  33. Have another baby
  34. Go on a family vacation (to somewhere other than our family’s places).
  35. Take a trip with just Dan
  36. Go on one date a month with Dan for a year
  37. Have a Mom’s night out once a month for a year
  38. Join (or create) a book club
  39. Read the entire Bible
  40. Read 50 books in one year
  41. Read 100 books
  42. Start writing a book
  43. Write a blog post every day for a month
  44. Get 50 blog followers

So there we have it.  44 of an eventual 101 goals that I will accomplish by July 1, 2013.

I’m excited!  What are your goals?

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