NOTE: A list of Responsible Gambling Awareness Week events in Halifax and Sydney follows this release.
One of the best ways for players to keep the fun in the game is to understand what it means to gamble responsibly. The Nova Scotia Provincial Lotteries and Casino Corporation is taking that information to the streets through programs and events during Responsible Gambling Awareness Week, Sept.
27 to Oct. 3.
“Our commitment to responsible gambling is rooted in the belief that knowledge is power,” said Bob MacKinnon, president and CEO of the corporation. “We are here 365 days a year to provide the facts on gambling and Responsible Gambling Awareness Week is our opportunity to showcase what we do all year long in creative and surprising ways. For those who choose to gamble, and even those who don’t, this week delivers important messages about keeping the fun in the game.”
This year’s campaign is focused on the responsible gambling tip, “balance gambling with other activities in your life.” This message for players is referenced in the Responsible Gambling Council’s Informed Decision Making Report (2010), and has been supported by gambling experts who helped develop the campaign.
Responsible gambling ambassadors will visit two communities to speak with Nova Scotians to deliver responsible gambling information, and give them an opportunity to complete an online responsible gambling quiz for a chance to win a prize. This year’s community visits are in Halifax and Sydney.
The Responsible Gambling Resource Centres at both Casino Nova Scotia locations will host open houses Saturday, Oct. 3, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. They will encourage players to learn about responsible gambling by speaking with centre staff and using interactive responsible gambling tools.
“It’s important to start and keep the conversation about responsible gambling going,” said Mr. MacKinnon. “We believe this year’s campaign and activities will both entertain and educate.”
The Nova Scotia Provincial Lotteries and Casino Corporation is the Crown corporation that manages the gaming industry in Nova Scotia.
For more information on Responsible Gambling Awareness Week or for responsible gambling tips, visit .
Source: Release