
28 Day Sober October Challenge

28 Day Sober October Challenge

I love a good challenge.  Challenging myself every day is actually how I lost over 100lbs, and since losing the weight,  it’s how I continue to be successful in my weightloss journey, as well as in life.

Why do I always challenge myself? Because I love the feeling you get when you accomplish your goal! And honestly, how can you become a better person if you don’t challenge yourself?

I’ve done a handstand challenge, a Burpee challenge, I’ve challenged myself not to eat dairy and to go Paleo, I’ve challenged myself to do 100 pushups and I’m currently in the midst of challenging myself to be a better person by changing my career and doing something that I love and feel is rewarding instead of hating my job.  As much as I love to challenge myself, I don’t currently have a fitness or health challenge right now.  Until now.

When it comes to staying healthy and in shape, I need to to have a physical goal or challenge, because if I don’t, I slip up. If I don’t have something to reach towards I get either bored or lazy, and unfortunately, that’s what’s been happening for the past three weeks.  So, to challenge myself, for the month of October I’m doing a 28 day (4 weeks) no alcohol challenge.  Sober October.

Simply put, alcohol is empty calories.  One light beer has 105 calories, which carry no nutritional value, not to mention the carbs and sugars that go along with it.  So, if you drink 6 beer, that’s over 600 empty calories. And since when does drinking beer go without chips, or nachos or pizza?  A good Saturday night (and probably Sunday morning) can easily cost you 5,000 calories.  That’s a full grown man’s caloric intake for two full days. Scary, isn’t it!

So, the challenge is simple.  Starting Saturday, September 29th, go 28 days without any alcohol.  I know for us Canadians that may be tough as our Thanksgiving is in October and some of you need mass quantities of booze to deal with your family, but you can do this.  Also, you may notice that the challenge starts on September 29th and not October 1st and runs 28 days, this is so you can enjoy your Halloween weekend and treat yourself to a drink after completing your newest challenge.

So, WHO’S IN?!!


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