
30 Day Challenge – The First 4 Days


Sunday marked the completion of Day 4 of the 30 Day Yoga Challenge. So far I’m just proud of myself for pushing through this. I don’t typically work out on the weekends and so it’s been different adjusting my routine. It’s easy to have a lazy Sunday but I found it especially hard to pull myself off the couch and go to class. But I’m glad I did!

The classes itself are amazing. Don’t get me wrong – by the time we get to triangle pose I’m cursing myself and wondering what I signed up for. But It’s incredible what you are able to push yourself through in class and the next thing you know you are doing your last pose and despite being pretty tired feel like you’ve accomplished a lot.

The hardest part of this so far though is remembering all the things you need to do to stay hydrated and healthy while you go through this.

So here are some of my learnings so far!

1) Stay hydrated. Seriously. Kristin recommends coconut water. Some people LOVE coconut water, and sadly I am not one of them but I have continued to drink it from time to time to keep my electrolytes up.

2) Plan ahead – These classes are 90 minutes so figure out the best way to work them into your schedule. I’m finding this a bit tricky right now as I’m working, about to start a marriage prep course, but it’s been well worth juggling my schedule around for.

3) Don’t be too hard on yourself. The day brings a lot of things and so you likely won’t have the same experience in the room twice. So take each bad day with a grain of salt.

4) Smile – It’s amazing how much better I feel in class if I remember to do this.

So overall I’d say I’m off to a good start regardless of the mental barrier I experience from time to time before I go to class. I will check back in a couple of days and we’ll see how I’m keeping it together!

Tags: 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Bikram Yoga Halifax, coconutwater


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