
30 Day Yoga Challenge – Update!

I am happy to say that I have successfully made it through the first 10 days of the 30 day yoga challenge! Being 1/3 of the way there doesn’t seem like much but it’s been quite a ride this week.

I’ve decided to track a little bit of each day so I can remember what I was doing / how I was feeling on a particular day because otherwise they blend all together!

Day 5 – The day I wore a cotton shirt. Big mistake. They tell you to wear as little as you can when doing hot yoga. I’ve sported a variety of shorts and breathable sports tops to ensure that I’m well equipped to stay as temperature controlled as possible. Cotton is not nearly as breathable as any sort of lyrca or Lululemon top and I thought I would keel over in a sweat overdose. Never again cotton shirt. Never again. This was my only hurdle that day though, I left the class feeling positive and energized. Just what I needed to feel to get me through watching “The Bachelor, The Women Tell All.” But that’s a different blog post.

Day 6 – We’ve had a guest teacher from Montreal this week named “Luna” and I cannot say enough good things about her. Coming from work you need time to decompress and wind down and by the time class is over I feel like I’ve closed the loop on the day and have been able to reflect more than normal. Which is great considering I’m very lucky to have a lot of good things going on in my life right now and sometimes life gets to busy to do that. Class today didn’t feel too challenging and I’m finding that I’m getting better as postures as each class goes on.

Day 7 – I felt really ready to go to to class today. I’m feeling like I’m hydrating enough during the day that I’m not as desperate for water breaks as I was when I started. I’m able to actually enjoy the relaxation poses as they come and can clear my mind much more easily. No complaints about today. When your head isn’t convincing you you’re not going to have a good class it turns out you’ll likely have a good class.  Fancy that!

Thursday – I had to take today off because our marriage prep course started today. Yes. I take a lot on. I must admit it was a nice break but I did find myself missing the routine of going to class.

Day 8 – To say I was tired today was an understatement. I feel like everyone around me is fighting a cold and I think it’s starting to wear on me. Surprisingly I had a good class and got some encouraging words from Luna after about my improvements. I cannot stress how nice this was to hear after I felt like such garbage going in.

Day 9 – No complaints again today. I felt well rested and strong going into class. Saturday mornings are always tricky for me because I haven’t had the day to hydrate and eat properly to get me ready. But a couple of eggs and some water seemed to do the trick before class. But I’m really noticing that my flexibility is increasing and I my body is starting to change. Pretty excited to see where this will go!

Day 10 – I’ve been looking forward to day 10 because for some reason I’ve got it in my mind that I’ve reached some major milestone. I have no idea if things get easier or harder from here but I think it’s at least something that I’ve made it this far. I am defiantly not feeling great today and made it through class by the skin of my teeth. After a good Sunday nap I’m feeling better rested and hopefully tomorrow will bring better health!

Ok that’s it for now! I promise to write more frequently in my new daily diary format. Are any of you doing the daily challenge? I’d love to hear how you’re doing!

Tags: 30 day challenge, Bikram Yoga Halifax


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