
31 Days and 31 Ways to Save- Save in the Bathroom

On day 3 I mentioned how much I hate the dirties. I really do dislike laundry but there is one room in the house I dislike more- the bathroom.

As I was in the bathroom this morning I looked around and I was looking at all the ways I spend money in this one wee little room and thought, you know what there are many ways that I save too.

So here are some ways that you might want to try to bring down your nitty gritty bathroom expenses:

1. Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth, pretty simple one right.

2. Buy generic…how many of spend a fortune in this wee little room for your favorite brands of shampoo, conditioner, soap, toilet paper. Give generic a try. Or at least buy on sale, and use a coupon if you must have that favorite brand.

3. Get rid of the commercial cleaners, you know those ones with the skull and cross bones on them. There is no need for them when a little bit of baking soda, some vinegar and some lemon will fill all your cleaning needs.

4. Have your towels do double duty. Come on how many you use your towel once and then it gets tossed in the laundry bin. Stop it, you are wasting money.

5. How about filling up a 2L bottle with sand and place it in your toilet’s water tank. Do you know how much money you are flushing down the toilet each time you flush? About 40% of the water used in your bathroom is flushed down the toilet so lets try and fix a wee bit of that.

Do you have any other great ways to save in this wee bitty room?  frugal


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