Here for your reading consideration are four new poetry anthologies from poets with Maritime connections:
Sympathy Loophole (M)
by Jaime Forsythe “This lively first collection, often both creepy and hilarious, serves up an image-laden universe – the sideshow we call home – where contortionists, womanizing ventriloquist dummies, and pickled sharks compete with the everyday for the mark’s hard-earned buck. Jaime Forsythe’s poetry is loaded with wit, mystery, surprise, and breathtaking juxtapositions – it’s a contemporary inventory of pop culture and human experience that proves the wacky and the poignant can share a seat in the same roller-coaster of a stanza.” – publisher
Holler (M)
by Alice Burdick “In her follow-up to 2008’s Flutter, former big-city-dweller Alice Burdick explores nature and the small town, taking a cue from children learning their voices: “All I see are trucks, / trucks and ducks.” With a blend of playful narrative and an Ashberyesque collage approach, Burdick paints a portrait of our world as one of continuous wonder, and full of relationships-between people, and between people and things-that never die but continually transform, even in death.” – publisher
Hydrologos (M)
by Warren Heiti “Hydrologos is one long poem composed in five suites and a coda, and spoken through masks. It is a poem about a specific passion, the one that always follows love: sorrow. At the poem’s centre is the original lyric elegy, the myth of Orpheus, but re-imagined from the perspective of Eurydike. What happens to a human being under the geologic pressure of passion? – One calls out, and the world’s response is silence. The work of sorrowing, one learns, is the work – the endless work – of listening, by which the listener is changed.” – publisher
by Anita Lahey
