
4 Steps to Changing Careers Midstream

Have you ever thought of changing careers? Since university I have changed jobs 15 times, those changes have taken me on several career paths. From IT tech, and daycare teacher to researcher I have done the gambit. You can definitely call me the Jill of all trades. Di you know the average adult will change careers 4 times. I am above average.What has that given me midstream?

Right now again I am job hunting. I think it is important to always be looking ahead and looking for new opportunities for growth. I am there right now myself. But more then a job I want a career where I can grow learn, contribute and flourish.

So how can I change careers once again midstream? How does one tackle this?

Find the Best You. Find Your Passion

What do you enjoy doing? What do you love to do? What have you dreamed of learning? What do you want to achieve? Have a pen and paper ready, pour a good cup or coffee or tea. It is time to get specific. Instead of writing down I love to write, what do you enjoy writing about. For me to be specific here I would right I love writing articles that help others. As you sit to write be real with yourself, and do write what first comes to mind even if it seems out of the box. Write about what you are good at, these skills might not of even been picked up at a previous job. You might of picked them up volunteering, playing a sport, exploring a hobby or on any other way we try new things. Remember this is about what works for you. So take some time with this, a new career does not come overnight, it is achieved with a bit of time and energy.

Time to Get Honest, Figuring Out Your Skills

After you and done the first writing exercise, time to quantify it. You have to be able to transfer the dreams and desires into your skill set. For me right now, I am looking at my transferable skill set. Are you? Some skill sets that totally transferable are research and planning, interpersonal skills, communication, leadership, and the list does go on.List them out, and again be specific, no I am a great communicator but how are you that great communicator. Do be honest when you are making this list as we all don’t know everything and well some things we just aren’t that great at. So make it real.

Creating the Road Map.

We all have driven from point A to point B. How did you get there? You used a map. You had a goal. By knowing our dreams and passions and the skills that are in our tool belt we are on the road. Next stop goal setting. It is crunch time. What do you want? What kind of money do you need to bring in? How much flex time do you need? Are you home based or office based? Only you can answer these for yourself as the road map is different for each of us but we must have one. Set your goals. They provide you the road map of getting that career.

Now the Fun Part. Get Out There

Now that you know what you want, and have a road map in play how do you get there? For me because my passion right now is everything social media related I have been out there meeting people in the field that interests me most. I have been meeting writers, bloggers, advertising agencies, brands and the like. You simply can’t sit at home. Ask people who are in the industry what they enjoy. How did they get into it, also as you network make sure people know you are available for hire. Remember most jobs never even hit a job board of any kind.  If unemployed and changing careers it is critical to be out there networking, after all job hunting is a full time job. While you are exploring your options make sure you also take the time to sip the tea, go for a walk, and simply breathe after all life is meant to be enjoyed, so enjoy this part of the journey.




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