
6 Best Planning Tips

Do you have a friend who has time for everything? Not just for work but also for a movie at night or an online roulette in Canada? If you want to be so productive, follow these 6 tips.

Try to Stick to the 70/30 Principle

It is not advisable to plan all of your time, because in this case your actions will definitely be at odds with your schedule. Full confinement of your time in the diary will lead to the fact that you will be in too rigid limits and constantly feel like a robot, whose whole life is scheduled by the minute.

The optimal solution is to plan 70% of your own time.  Agree that some events are difficult to predict, and almost every day there is a “surprise effect”, so you should always leave some time free. Or, alternatively, in each time period, make a certain reserve.

Make a Plan for the Next Day Tonight

Planning for the next day at the end of today is commendable, but to make sure you don’t forget anything, be sure to write down all of your chores. Separate things by importance by dividing your notebook into two columns. In the first column, write down what needs to be done urgently. In the second column, write down what is less important and can be rescheduled for another day.

Cross off the tasks and matters that you have coped with, one by one. This will serve as an additional incentive for you and add new strength to complete the remaining tasks. The fewer tasks you have left, the more confidence you’ll have in your ability to cope with them.

At the end of each day, at the very bottom, you can add a caption like, “Yay! I did it,” “I did great! But this is just the beginning!”, “I did it all! I’m awesome! But there’s still a lot to do!” This inscription will also encourage you from the morning to achieve your goals and at the same time not to relax.

Try to Accomplish Most of What You Have Planned Before Lunch

When you realize in the middle of the day that the most important thing for today is done and already behind you, it’s much easier to do the rest of the tasks. Take advantage of your lunch break to attend to your personal business (calling relatives, returning missed calls, discussing credit with the bank, paying bills, etc.). Leave the bare minimum for the evening (negotiating with the builder, going to the salon, shopping for groceries, working out at the gym).

Include Minutes of Rest in Every Hour

A mandatory rule for everyone. The more often you rest, the more productive your activity will be. Everyone chooses the most comfortable scheme for themselves, but two schemes work particularly well: 50 minutes of work / 10 minutes of rest or 45 minutes of work / 15 minutes of rest.

During relaxation, it is not necessary to smoke bamboo and spit at the ceiling, lying on the couch. After all, this time can be spent usefully. Do warm-up: push up, pull up, stand on your head, do neck and eye exercises. Tidy up the workplace, clean the house or office, read a book, go for a walk in the fresh air, make scheduled calls, help your colleagues with something, etc.

Spend Some Time in Silence

It often happens that the TV in the next room, the radio that runs 24 hours a day, someone’s voices, people passing by you, a building under construction on the next street end up so annoying that it is simply impossible to concentrate properly on doing important things. Instead of resolving specific tasks, the latest Justin Bieber super-mega-hit currently playing on the radio spins in your head.

In order to complete extremely important tasks, you need to be able to work quietly, without any interference from the outside. This is when you can, with maximum focus, achieve the highest level of productivity and efficiency.

Put Items Away as Soon as You Have Finished Using Them

This will significantly save you time in the future, and also help avoid clutter. It’s not without reason they say, “If you want to know about your future partner, look at his desk. What order on his desk – the same order in his affairs.

Throw out all your old and unnecessary things, get rid of unnecessary junk on the table was only the most necessary for work.

Keep things in well-defined places. For example, put all the documents in a separate folder or box, keep receipts and checks also chipped in a certain place, pens and pencils in the most convenient place. Fortunately, you can now easily buy special kits and boxes to solve this problem. Do it and feel the incredible effect!

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