
6 Simple Ways to Save Money And Clean

6 Simple Ways to Save Money And Clean

Cleaning © by go_greener_oz

It is that time of year again when we are all thinking about spring cleaning. There are many ways to save as you clean, and to clean up your finances as well. I did my own spring cleaning a few weeks ago, and you know what I even found that I had too much stuff, and I had a wee bit of a mess on my hands. So it was time to get things in order.

We all love when we can have clean homes, both financially and physically.

There are some pretty simple ways to have both.

1. First Get Rid of the Clutter. A messy home whether it is financial or physically simply distracts us, and who can really enjoy clutter for long? So the first order of business is a freebie and doesn’t cost a dime, it simply costs you some time. Get organized.

  • Money wise: Do you have a filing system and in and out system, so everything is getting paid on time and so you do not have late fees? If not create one.
  • House wise: Clean the crap. Get rid of that old stuff you are hanging on too. If you haven’t used it in a year, donate it to a charity. ( We did this ourselves last week.)

2. Money wise do a spring bill audit. Take a look at your bills, are there services you are not using? Does your provider have a new cheaper option that could be saving you money? Is there a competitor that could provide you the same service, and quality at less cost? Time to check.

3. House wise. When was the last time you had the gas or electric company out to do an audit on your home? Get a House audit done. Many companies have great programs that even allow you to receive a tax credit.You could end up saving big.

4. Time to take a look at the waste in your house. As you clean the fridge next look at your food waste. Could you manage your grocery bills better with a bit of meal planning? There are many great helps out there to help you stay on task. Personally once a week we have leftover night, to make sure waste is limited.

5. So we got things tidier above so now it is time to clean. Have you ever looked at the price of cleaners? Did you know there are so many ways you can make your own homemade cleaners on the cheap. I have a board on Pinterest that is full of money saving tips and several are recipes for your own cleaners, I challenge you to try one, and let me know how it goes.

6. Now the house is clean, time to venture out, but wait before we hop into a car how about take alternative transportation this spring as a way to save. Take a walk, ride your bike, or even hop onto local transit instead of taking your car. The spring and summer are a great time to choose healthier frugal transportation methods.

These are just six simple ways to help reduce your costs this spring, I am sure you can think of others. How about sharing your favorite spring cleaning tips that help you save at the same time?




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