
730 Days

Fall is almost here. It’s hard to believe that two years ago I was finishing up with university and nervously approaching the start of my first post-grad job.

I have enjoyed my time in the Post Secondary Internship Program, though, believe me, although I was here as an intern I definitely wasn’t treated like one (in a good way). I have been able to work on great projects and assume responsibility for a number of different initiatives that have helped to promote the great work that happens at the provincial archives, both within government and to the public.

Yesterday an announcement went around to staff that they’re going to be stuck with me a while longer. I’m still going to be the new media gal and will continue to support the division’s communications efforts, but I get to sink my teeth into an amazing project that puts me more on the archival side of things.

Until April of next year I’m going to be working on a project called The Way We Were: Nova Scotia in Film, 1917 – 1957. My job will be to oversee the digitization of 60,000* feet of film and the creation of a virtual cinema on our website and the maintenance of a YouTube channel. There’s lots of other details, but what it breaks down to is that I’m going to get to watch and edit hours and hours of film and get paid to do it. I am pleased.

All in all, things are good. I’m enjoying my time at the little purple house in Dartmouth and am finding more excuses to douse myself in fake blood. A self-improvement challenge will be to motivate myself to get out and enjoy an after work class or volunteer project vs. buying box-sets, playing hermit, and building Facebook farms:
But as you can see, at least I’m rolling in the mad cash-money and have my very own pony, who I am apparently raising for its meat. I guess that’s my Dutch side coming through.

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