Students From Across Nova Scotia Participate in the Hour of Code

A list of schools participating in the Hour of Code, and that are available to media, follows this release.
This week, hundreds of students across Nova Scotia will be participating in the largest international learning event in history, the Hour of Code.

It is part of Computer Science Education Week, which runs today, Dec. 8 to Friday, Dec. 12. The Hour of Code can be done anytime during this week.

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code by teaching students the basics.

Coding is an important part of modern technology that is behind programs and applications used by computers, tablets and smartphones that society increasingly relies on.

More than 45 schools across the province are participating.

“The Hour of Code exposes students to computer science in a fun, interactive way and explores a career field that is full of opportunity,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Karen Casey. “Coding supports many of the key skills needed in today’s job markets such as problem-solving, logic and creativity.”

Last year, 15 million students tried computer science as part of the Hour of Code, which was featured on the homepages of Google, Yahoo! MSN, and Disney. This year, the Hour of Code movement is aiming for 100 million students.

The Hour of Code is organized by the nonprofit organization and supported by a coalition of other partners including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the College Board.

For more information, resources, interactive tutorials and to participate in the Hour of Code, visit .

Source: Release

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