Nova Scotians and small businesses who suffered uninsurable losses from December’s heavy rainfall can apply for financial help.
“The heavy rainfalls caused significant damage in some parts of the province,” said Mark Furey, Minister responsible for the Emergency Management Office. “The disaster financial assistance program will help homeowners, small businesses and municipalities recover from their losses.
From Dec. 9 to 12, up to 120 millimetres of rain fell in parts of mainland Nova Scotia, causing severe damage to homes and infrastructure.
The program provides basic recovery assistance to homeowners, small business owners and not-for-profit organizations affected by the heavy rains and flooding.
Nova Scotians with uninsurable losses in Annapolis, Colchester, Cumberland, Digby, Hants, Kings, Lunenburg, Pictou, Queens, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties, and Halifax Regional Municipality may be eligible for disaster assistance.
Some eligible expenses are evacuation operations, restoring public works and infrastructure to pre-disaster condition and replacing or repairing basic, essential personal property of individuals, small businesses and farmsteads.
“With the extreme weather conditions we’ve been experiencing over the last three months, I want to remind all Nova Scotians to be prepared for emergencies. Make sure you have an emergency plan and kit in your home and car,” said Mr. Furey.
Application forms are available online at and at Access Nova Scotia centres. For more information call toll free at 1-866-424-5620.
The deadline for applications is April 30.
Source: Release