Eligibility requirements for the new Film and Television Production Incentive Fund are now available. Nova Scotia Business Inc. will begin accepting applications for the fund Thursday, July 2.
Government has met with industry on an incentive fund to replace the Film Industry Tax Credit since April.
The new fund is based on a program with proven success in Alberta.
The fund strikes a balance — keeping the film industry competitive, while maximizing benefits for Nova Scotians at an affordable cost. It supports a competitive industry, broad economic benefits, more Nova Scotians working, affordability and accountability and transparency.
Regulations for the new Digital Animation Tax Credit are available at http://novascotia.ca/finance . The tax credit follows the same principles as the fund by maintaining a competitive industry, having tighter criteria and enhancing transparency. Finance staff will continue meeting with industry representatives to support a smooth transition.
Business Minister Mark Furey thanked members of Screen Nova Scotia and others in the film, television and digital animation industry for contributing their ideas.
“This has been a challenging, emotional time, no question about it, but this is an important industry in our province,” said Mr. Furey. “I am committed to building a stronger relationship with the people who work within the industry, as we move forward with this new fund and tax credit.”
Nova Scotia Business Inc. is responsible for administering the Film and TV Production Incentive Fund. Eligibility requirements are available at http://novascotiabusiness.com/filmapplication .
Fund highlights are available at http://novascotia.ca/business/filmfund/ .
Source: Release