Lee Valley: Solving First World Problems

I’m kind of thinking if I’m going to remember to bring a finger saver, I’m probably going to remember to bring my own bag

 screenshot-viewer zmags com 2015-11-05 14-57-18

Again this goes in to the preparation and organization, chances are I’d have a Sharpie and tape, handy

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-50-48

if you have that much trouble pushing down leaves, you aren’t going to be carry that bag once it’s packed.

 screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-52-18

I am pretty sure this is for cleaning up a murder scene, funny that they highlight a knife.

screenshot-viewer zmags com 2015-11-05 14-57-32

Yeah I always wished my boots had their own slippers, chance are if they get mad at you for muddy floors, they will be mad at you for muddy slippers.

   screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-48-49

Ebeneezer cosplay?

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-47-03

This seems wayyyyy more complicated

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-46-24

You are lucky if I actually warp your gift.

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-45-15

No, NO, hand me the blank measuring tape!

Iscreenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-44-47

If I had $7.95 for every time I wish I had one of these, I still wouldn’t need a wallet




screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-43-46

Maybe I’m just a savage, by leaving batteries in their package

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-42-17 

And Lastly OK these seem like fun!
At Christmas Dinner you attack the bird yelling ‘I’m Wolverine”

screenshot-www leevalley com 2015-11-05 14-40-45ng

Lower Sackville man charged with child pornography offence, Lower Sackville, N.S.

Non-Random Shooting in Cole Harbor, Shooter Currently Not Apprehended