The Sun Gods Listened!!!

I woke up this morning and the sun was coming up.   There has been a lot of grey skies recently, which is such a downer.  This truly made my morning; awesome running weather too! ♥ 

The alarm was set for 6am so that I had plenty of time to eat and get my butt over to the park by 83am.  I stumbled to the kitchen and decided that it was easier to make french pressed coffee than put a big pot on.  I love the texture of french pressed coffee, there’s something so smooth about it.

Breakie was an easy decision as I got a mailbox surprise yesterday that I just couldn’t wait to dig into this morning.  The wonderful people at Crofters sent me a bunch of their Superfruit Spreads to sample:


I hummed and hawed over what flavour to try first.  It was a toss up between North America & Asia.

Asia won.  Both yumberries and raspberries are native to East Asia and have been used historically for maintaining and restoring health. The Chinese know the yumberry as yang-mei. Once you’ve tried this brilliant red fruit, it’s easy to understand how the name yang-mei made its way to yummy and onward to yumberry.

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For some reason I always end up having a complex carb + peanut butter before each run.  This morning’s combo was a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin with crunchy organic peanut butter & jam. 

Deeeelish!  And it held me over the entire run.  :) 

We got in 11.3K LSD in 1h50 mins.  I was totally into it and felt great.  The sun was soooo nice.  It was a rather blustery day though and the wind made it challenging at some points.  I’m feeling much better about it all and am glad that I  made the decision to stop stressing over the schedules and just follow the RR one.

I made a stop at the Mall and then headed for home.  Was nice to get in the door by Noon and know that I have the rest of the weekend to spend cleaning and with hubby.  Or should I say cleaning with the hubby. LOL. :)  I know I’m missing a great time at Lesley’s with the girls but I gotta get organized.  Hope you have a blast ladies!! xoxo

Lunch was mini pizzas and watermelon.

Basically the same toppings as last night – tomato paste, seasonings, salami, onions, mushrooms & cheese.  All toasted up in the oven.

Side of juicy watermelon.  I haven’t had this in forever, probably since last summer. 

Gorgeous pink color!

And, apparently I’m not the only one who’s enjoying the beautiful day….
This post is turning out to be waaaay longer than planned. I’m off to clean and enjoy the day with hubby.  Happy Weekend!

Breaking Down The Boxscore – KEBS 100, RAINMEN 97 (OT)

Salty Ink’s Judge a Book By It’s Cover