HRP To Provide Armed Response & Policing Services Within Halifax Stanfield International Airport

Effective tonight at midnight, Halifax Regional Police is proud to begin providing airport armed response and policing services within Halifax Stanfield International Airport for a period of five years.

Last fall, HRP responded to the Halifax International Airport Authority’s (HIAA) Request for Proposals for Airport Armed Response and Policing Services at Halifax Stanfield International Airport. HIAA apprised Halifax Regional Police in late November that we were the successful proponent in this process; however, the acceptance of the contract, terms and conditions was subject to approval by Halifax Regional Council. On January 12, Regional Council ratified the concept and directed HRP to negotiate and sign the final contract with HIAA, which has since occurred.

The HRP Aviation Security Unit’s duties include armed response to the passenger and baggage screening areas and non-passenger vehicle screening areas, general emergency and intervention services, and strategic patrolling which supports aviation security. HRP’s complement at Halifax Stanfield International Airport consists of 14 dedicated positions – one Sergeant, 12 Patrol Constables and one K-9 officer.

Officers assigned to the Aviation Security Unit have received specialized training and have also been working with the RCMP, who held the contract at the airport previous to HRP, to ensure a seamless transition for the entire airport community. According to our integrated policing model, we will continue to work with the RCMP as our Partners in Policing given the airport is situated in their jurisdiction.

“HRP is proud to be providing armed response and policing services within the airport,” says Deputy Chief Bill Moore. “This represents an opportunity for HRP to enhance our overall policing capacity and showcase our professionalism to travellers in and out of Halifax as well as to visitors to Halifax Stanfield International Airport and the entire airport community. We look forward to helping ensure the airport is safe and welcoming for everyone.”

Source: Media Release




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