Sparkled Beauty goes to IMATS LA

I am very excited to finally tell you that I just finished making travel arrangements to go to IMATS LA end of June. It took a lot of me to believe that I actually am going. I never dream I could, but I did it. Woo hoo!

I trust most of you can probably understand my excitement.

(The International Makeup Artist Trade Show) is the bomb, the must-attend show of all time to any makeup addicts, bloggers, youtubers and more. My very first IMATS was in Toronto last year and I enjoyed the experience a lot. To indulge in beauty products and fellow bloggers (some I hadn’t met before the show) was nothing but amazing. Check out my IMATS posts for more fun read.

First, IMATS Second, LA is the only IMATS show in the US, EVERYBODY will be there. Just the fun of meeting, talking to, taking pictures with and above all, learning from all the gurus and favorite brand reps could already make it all worth going.

Third, I have never been to the US, ever. How awesome is it to go to the US for the very first time for IMATS? I certainly take a few days after the show to tour around, shop and eat, but certainly IMATS was the main reason for this trip.

Forth, the fun multiplies by two because I am not going alone. I will be in great company of Ms Naz, a fellow Canadian beauty blogger and youtuber. We have never met but we both love makeup, how hard is it for us to become friends? Not at all 🙂 Naz once mentioned on twitter that she wanted to go to IMATS LA, and when I start putting some serious thoughts in travel planning, I certainly dragged her on board. And I’m so glad she did. What could be better than going to IMATS? It’s going to IMATS with a friend who shares the same passion/ addiction, lol.

Yesterday after booking my flight tickets, I was shaking. Still couldn’t believe I made my dream come true, couldn’t believe I am going to IMATS. If any of you have been to Pasadena (or live there), please share some advice for shopping and stuff. And for those who had been to IMATS LA, do tell me about it so I can prepare myself. It’s gonna be a crazy experience and I certainly will share my experience with you on this blog. I am so looking forward to it.

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Backs Against the Wall – CAVALRY 108, RAINMEN 104

Magic Kingdom – Day 5 (Friday)