Ally: L-A is likely home from California by the time you are reading this post. I can just picture her scrolling through the last few entries on FPQT being all, “What the eff? Did Ally do ANYTHING while I was away?” Why yes, L-A, I did.
Delegation: is the assignment of authority and responsibility to another person
I am empowering our Official Interns and Guest Bloggers.
See? Happy face soiree!
Eden: It was requested that I do a What To Wear For Spring post, and because I am who I am, my answer is: Other people’s old clothes. Really! Thrift and vintage haven’t been this big since grunge, and it’s better now, because we’re grownups.
Lately people have been asking me for tips on thrifting, since I generally do quite well. And the short answer is that it takes years to get good at it, but there are some good general rules of thumb. I hereby present to you:
Official Intern Eden’s Official Rules of Thrifting!
1. Be a brand snob. What, you say, how can I be a brand snob at Value Village? Aren’t I supposed to be being CHEAP? Well yes. But if you wouldn’t buy that jersey top for $25 at Smart Set, don’t buy it for $7 now that it’s all pilly at VV. Do spend 12.99 on that Banana Republic sweater that looks unworn and probably cost at least a hundred new.
2. Try everything on. Sizing changes so often that you can’t rely on the tag, and you REALLY can’t rely on what size the store thinks something is. Try things on in sizes that seem wildly wrong for you, if it looks like it might fit.
3. Learn to sew, or find a friend who does. Someone got rid of that dress because it has a tiny hole in the seam. You win! That skirt would be perfect if it was just a size smaller on the waist. You win!
4. Go often, make your trips short. If I stay too long in a thrift store, I get all stressed out – what if I have MISSED something? Do I actually like anything in my cart? I end up abandoning great stuff and coming home with yet another brown sweater. So now I go when there’s a time limit, when I have to be somewhere in an hour.
5. Every now and then, buy something amazing that doesn’t fit or you would never wear, just to have it. Clothes and shoes can be art pieces, and if you get sick of it you can always consign it.
On that note, here are my newly thrifted spring finds!
Unknown brand, Winners, $25 (Yeah, I consider Winners a thrift store. All the above rules apply.) The word we are looking for here is GAMINE. I have unapologetically jumped on the Breton-stripe bandwagon. And I am proud of myself for wearing flat with this dress! Heels would have been wrong, but it’s always so tempting to be tall, you know?
Dagg & Stacey, Garage sale, $4. This dress rocks so hard. It’s tweed! And that collar is detachable and can be worn multiple ways! And it comes with an alternate collar! And it’s Dagg&Stacey, who are hip local design! And it was four dollars in a church basement yessssss.
Vintage, Ebay, $10 including shipping. This is a work in progress. I got it for peanuts on ebay because it was in pieces – the side seams were open, and the zipper was missing. I did a great job with the zipper but the side seams aren’t quite right. But vintage 50′s! And QUILTED!
Fairweather, Value Village, 9.99. The main problem with my life is I never get invited to any garden parties. Also yes this is a cheap brand but I make exceptions for yellow flowers.
BCBG Paris, porch sale, $25. I am not sure yet if this fits or suits me, but I am a sucker for things that I know were really expensive new. Also I love my Serious Fashion Face.
Vintage, porch sale, $15. I like this outtake. Artsy! The skirt is black lace over pink satin and it is so very very Early Madonna and it makes me very very happy.
This is what we’re wearing for spring, people. Flirty dresses, Breton stripes, muted colours, and…tweed? YES.
Ally: Eden makes empowerment look SEXY.