I was all geared up for a breastfeeding workshop taking place this evening at Nurtured being held by Robyn Berman and I was the only person who signed up, so it got canceled! lol I was interested in the class mainly because Robyn was the Doula that my family doctor originally recommended to me if I was considering hiring one. At that time, I didn’t even know such things existed. I did contact her a while ago, but she was already booked up and a little on the pricey side, so I let my interests in getting a Doula go. From what I could tell, she seemed like she was one of the more well-known Doulas in Halifax with a wonderful reputation. They did say that she can make one on one home visits for a bit higher of a price and while I don’t think I’m going to do that at this time, I will certainly keep her phone number handy if the need arises.
I figured signing up for this workshop was a good compromise. I want to feel as confident as possible starting out with the little peanut. Confidence really is the issue here I think. My doctor discussed with me during my last visit that due to the fact that I have PCOS, it can sometimes cause some women difficulty in establishing their milk supply. I had read about it on my own and read that it affects 1 out of every 3 women. She said she would like to discharge me from the hospital with a prescription in hand that can help with milk supply given that my milk won’t likely be in yet when I am discharged which is usually on day 2 following a vaginal birth. She said that it’s better to have it on hand if I find that my milk still hasn’t come in on day 4 or 5 and find that peanut is getting hungry and not wetting a comfortable amount of diapers. I suppose it sounds like a good proactive plan for that potential situation.
So, with all of this in mind, I was hoping to gain a bit more confidence in this area so that I could hopefully avoid any “other” potential challenges that I can learn how to handle ahead of time. I can imagine that feeling panicked over having a hungry baby and not being able to hold up to your end of the breastfeeding bargain to be quite upsetting and stressful. Formula is always available, but I am hoping to avoid having to need that in the first place. If it happens and is needed, then so be it, but I’m trying to do everything in my power to do the best I can! I will feel better if I truly feel like I’ve done everything I could to educate myself, the rest is up to mother nature.
Speaking of formula, I received a little gift pack in the mail from Nestle which was a small backpack diaper bag filled with samples of wet and powdered formula samples. I had no idea where it came from, but then remembered that I put my name and address in at Thyme Maternity store way back when and she told me that I would receive a diaper bag gift pack in the mail closer to my due date and sure enough. If I remember correctly, Motherhood Maternity said the same thing, so there could be another little package of free mommy swag from them at some point. Breastfeeding or not…..it was FREE and I like the little diaper bag. It’s smaller than a regular bag, so I’m sure it will be handy!
P.S. I’m 33 Weeks today bloggies!