Man arrested after spike strip used to stop his vehicle

At approximately 9:30 p.m., a witness ca­lled the police to report a truck towing a camper had backed into a pole in 3000 block of Olivet St. The truck then left the area.


A camper matching th­at description had been reported stolen earlier in the day.


The police in the ar­ea of Lacewood and Titus spotted the veh­icle. The officers tried to initiate a traffic stop but the vehicle refused to stop. The vehicle pic­ked up speed so the officers broke off the traffic stop.


The vehicle was then spotted on Highway 103 outbound. The ve­hicle then completed a U-turn and started inbound.


A spike belt was act­ivated and the vehic­le came to a stop and the suspect was ar­rested. There were no injuries.


A 38-year-old male is being held for cou­rt. He will face cha­rges of theft, faili­ng to stop at the sc­ene of an accident, resisting arrest, da­ngerous driving.


Source: Media Release

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