Monday, July 12, 2010 Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), N.S…. Members of the Halifax District Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) will be charging five motorists with impaired driving over the course of this past weekend. An additional motorist was issued a 24-hour licence suspension.
From RCMP:
On Friday, July 9, at 5:10 PM, a vehicle stopped at the off-ramp of Highway 102 at Enfield (Exit 7). The driver, a 49-year old male, was observed by other motorists to be slumped over in his seat. They first attempted to take his pulse. They then removed his keys from the vehicle ignition and called 911. RCMP responded and the male was found to have blood alcohol levels of 190 mg and 170 mg. He will be charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and Operation of a Motor vehicle over 80mgs, and will appear in Dartmouth Provincial Court at a later date.
At 11:30 PM Friday night, an RCMP patrol vehicle was travelling eastbound on Main Street in Cole Harbour with emergency lights activated in response to a call (press release to follow). That's when a second vehicle pulled out of a parking lot and made a left turn across the highway in front of the police cruiser. The officer was unable to avoid a collision. A 56-year old female driver was arrested by Halifax Regional Police, who were on-scene to assist. She will be charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle.
On Saturday, July 10, 2010, at 1:05 AM, a member of Halifax District RCMP's Street Crime Enforcement Unit (SCEU) stopped a vehicle at the intersection of Sackville Dr and Millwood Dr. He determined the driver had been drinking. The 31-year old male driver gave readings of 110 mg and 100 mg. He will appear in Dartmouth Provincial Court on August 18, 2010.
Just before 6:00 PM Saturday evening, a female driver failed a roadside screening test following a single car crash on St. Margaret's Bay Road. She then refused to provide an additional sample. She will be charged with Refusal, which carries with it the same penalties as Operation of a Motor Vehicle over 80 mgs. She will appear in the Halifax Provincial Court at a later date.
On Monday, July 12, 2010, at 2:17 AM RCMP responded to a single vehicle crash on Arklow Dr. in Cole Harbour involving a utility pole. An unlicenced 55-year old male was determined to be the driver at the time of the collision. He gave two readings of 160 mg. He will be charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and Operation of a Motor vehicle over 80 mgs, as well as Taking Motor vehicle Without Consent. He will appear in Dartmouth Provincial Court at a later date.
Through education and enforcement, the RCMP is striving to reduce fatal and serious injury collisions caused by impaired driving. If you see an Impaired Driver call 911.