Police remind citizens of when and when not to call 911, and offer tips to help you weather the pending storm.

Police remind citizens of when and when not to call 911, and offer tips to help you weather the pending storm.

Halifax Regional Police wants to help you weather tomorrow’s wind, snow and rain forecast.

Severe weather can cause property damage, downed trees and power lines. If there is a public or personal safety risk or blockage of a main artery call 911. Please don’t call the Integrated Emergency Services (police/fire/911 call centre) to report weather related damage to private property unless there is a public or personal safety risk or a blockage of a main artery.

Please use extreme caution on all roads, streets and sidewalks during the storm and keep the following tips in mind.

· Driving:

o Please clear the ‘iceberg’ from the roof and windows of your vehicle so it’s not a hazard for other drivers.

o Remember that winter driving conditions can vary dramatically and require your full attention. Drive for conditions, leave space between vehicles and allow enough time to get to your destination. Also, with temperature variations, please be always mindful of black ice.

o Be vigilant looking out for pedestrians who are also navigating snow covered and slippery sidewalks.

· Using the sidewalks:

o Please use the sidewalk whenever possible. Pedestrians must use sidewalks when provided as per the Motor Vehicle Act Section 127 (2). When sidewalks are impassable, walk on the left side of the roadway whenever possible, MVA Section 127 (3).

o Please be vigilant about stopping to look both ways and ensure drivers see you before entering the roadway. When possible, choose bright and/or reflective clothing so that you are more easily seen by drivers

A few other reminders:

· Don’t shovel/plow snow from your property into the street. Not only is this a bylaw infraction, it also poses a safety hazard.

· Look out for one another. We’re all in this together so it’s a nice touch to check on your neighbours, especially those who are elderly or shut-in, and help someone shovel who may need assistance.


Source: Media Release

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