But just because I hate camp doesn’t mean I can’t watch other people go to camp on TV. And despite it’s serious cheesiness (the wolf in the woods? the word “sign” in the dumpster? please…) it was a pretty fun episode. The best things were that we got to see George and Poppy butt heads a little bit, Amber finally kissed George, and Alistair finally kinda-sorta made a friend. The fact that said friend mistakenly thought he was on ‘shrooms is beside the point. Alistair actually told someone that Chloe is his sister – her boyfriend, no less! – and that was great to see.
I’m loving the stuff with the kids, but I’m still not feeling the stuff with Dr. Rand and Wayne. I’m hoping that maybe her character will loosen up a bit, because right now she’s just too cold to be believable.
Does watching Huge bring up good or bad memories of camp for you?