HRM and Dalhousie Join Forces to Protect Urban Forest

From HRM Release: (Tuesday, August 10, 2010) - The municipality is looking for a plan to manage and preserve its urban forest, and has found an enthusiastic partner in Dalhousie University’s School for Resource and Environmental Studies (SRES).

From HRM Release:
(Tuesday, August 10, 2010) – The municipality is looking for a plan to
manage and preserve its urban forest, and has found an enthusiastic
partner in Dalhousie University’s School for Resource and
Environmental Studies (SRES).

The two groups will be working together to create the HRM Urban Forest
Master Plan (UFMP), a strategic policy document that will help manage
the urban forest in HRM over the next 25 years. The idea, says John
Charles, a Planner with HRM Real Property Planning, is to provide a way
to protect what he sees as one of our urban core’s most precious

“Following the destruction of Hurricane Juan, it became clear that
the urban forest was a precious resource that must be carefully
managed,” he says.

The goal of the Plan is fourfold: to establish the values and benefits
of long term care for trees in HRM; to suggest changes to by-laws,
regulations, policies, and processes for managing trees in urban and
suburban HRM; to identify areas of concern for HRM's urban forest; and
to raise awareness of the importance of trees to the city and its

The term “urban forest” refers to all trees within the urban core –
wherever they may be: on streets, on private or public land, or in one
of the municipality’s many urban parks.

The group is looking for public input. Interested individuals can
participate in the process in three main ways: an Urban Forest Walkabout
– to be held on August 17th from 3:30-5:30 pm and from 6-8 pm (meet in
front of 6100 University ave.); by way of an Open House – taking place
on  August 18th from 4-8 pm; or by being part of a UFMP Focus Group –
taking place on August 25th & 26th from 6-8 pm. Individuals interested
in taking part in the focus group should contact the department before
August 20th – at the number below.

For more information on the Plan or any of the community engagement
opportunities, call 490-2367 or visit:

Halifix: August 10 2010

Wildflower meadow for the Mill Cove area along waterfront