NOTE: The following is an op-ed from Minister of Seniors Leo Glavine.
Oct. 1-5 is Seniors Week.
As Minister of Seniors and an older adult myself, I’m asking everyone to celebrate and recognize older Nova Scotians in their communities.
Older adults continue to show leadership in Nova Scotia. Whether they are running their own businesses, sharing their expertise on boards and commissions or helping and caring for those around them – no task is too small for celebration. We all benefit when older Nova Scotians stay in the workforce as long as they want, participate in community activities and share their knowledge and experiences with other generations.
That’s why we introduced SHIFT: Nova Scotia’s Action Plan for an Aging Population. We are investing in projects that are helping older Nova Scotians stay involved and connected to their communities, promoting healthy living and keeping older adults in the workforce.
Programs like link older adults to recreation programs across the province.
Community transportation projects mean older Nova Scotians have access to affordable, accessible and reliable transportation options.
Grants for housing supports help Nova Scotians age in place at home and in their communities.
Senior Safety Officers and Age Friendly Community grants are benefiting older adults in their daily lives.
Free online courses help employers to retain and support their most experienced employees and create a culture that values all generations in the workplace.
Government’s first social innovation lab is exploring new and creative ways to help Nova Scotia adapt to an aging population.
These are just a few of the highlights. Communities across Nova Scotia are recognizing the value older Nova Scotians bring, and are making changes to break down those age-old stereotypes from, seniors can’t do that, to older people can, have and will.
By 2030, more than one in four Nova Scotians will be 65 or older. The challenge to all of us is to shift our thinking.
Let’s take advantage of the experience and expertise these Nova Scotians bring to our province.
To learn more about SHIFT, and for a list of events celebrating Seniors Week, visit
Source: Release