“Humour is like a rubber sword, you can make a point without drawing blood”
-Author, G.K. Chesterton
We invite you to join us at 10am ADT LIVE on haligonia’s front page for the launch of The Right to Bare Arms – a video project developed to educate, encourage and promote cultural diversity through the use of humour, in a memorable way.
The short videos were all produced, directed and filmed by new Canadians who are in the process of settling into their new country.
Each video uses humour to celebrate differences while recognizing the many similarities among people born in Canada and new Canadians.
The session will give you an opportunity to see how this campaign can be used as an educational tool in your organization to understand the value of integrating diversity into your workplace.
This project was funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Immigration Settlement Adaptation Program, created by Pink Dog Productions Inc. and supported by ISIS (Immigrant Settlement and Integration Services), the YMCA Centre for Immigrant Programs, Pier 21’s Welcome Home to Canada Program, Vocalocal and the Greater Halifax Partnership.