America’s Got Talent: Grimm Results?

Michael Grimm wins!

I’ve had all day to think about this, and I’m OK with this outcome. Was I rooting for Michael Grimm? No. I was rooting for Prince Poppycock. He got knocked out first. “OK”, I said. “I’ll root for Fighting Gravity”. Boom. Out. My good wishes are a curse.

With Michael Grimm and Jackie Evancho in the finals, I really didn’t care who won. Michael is super talented, but he’s not as original and outlandish as Fighting Gravity or Prince Poppycock. Jackie is an incredibly talented girl, but her music just isn’t my thing. So in the end I felt the same way about the AGT results show as I did about the season overall – that it was too drawn out and ultimately dull.

The thing is, all four acts were great. There was no losing. There was no possible outcome where I’d respond with “What?! That hack?”. Besides, it’s much harder to choose a favorite when there’s a final four. A vs. B is much more compelling than A vs. B vs. C vs. D.

Were you happy with the results? Will you tune in again next season? Did you even watch, or were you like me – happily watching the season premiere of Survivor?

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