HRM reminds area citizens that the HRM Household Hazardous Waste Depot, located at 20 Horseshoe Lake Drive in Bayers Lake Business Park, is open on a weekly basis, most Saturdays, year-round for special items that cannot be placed in regular garbage collection.
Drop off times are between 9 am – 4 pm Saturdays as noted in the schedule posted on the HRM website at The depot is only open to residents of HRM. Business waste is not permitted.
Materials that can be collected include: batteries, leftover liquid paint, leftover corrosive cleaners, pesticides/herbicides, gasoline, fuel oil & used motor oil, solvents & thinners, pharmaceuticals & drugs, aerosol cans containing hazardous substances, BBQ propane tanks, and small propane cylinders (eg: for camp stoves and propane torches).
HRM does host temporary collection days approximately four times per year to supplement the permanent depot, most often to reach out to the suburban and rural communities within the municipality.
For questions, contact HRM Solid Waste Resources at 490-5960 or 490-4000.