May 17-23, 2011 marks Canada Road Safety Week, a national campaign to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world.
As part of Canada Road Safety Week, HRM Partners in Policing continue to urge motorists to drive safely and obey the rules of the road.
Officers assigned to the HRP/RCMP Integrated Traffic Unit will be conducting roadside traffic safety checkpoints during the campaign, with a focus on behaviours that reduce risks for drivers, passengers and other road users, including erratic and impaired driving, speeding, crosswalk and stop sign infractions, and cell phone violations.
HRM Partners in Policing encourage safe and sober driving.
Always remember:
– pay attention to the road and don’t drive when you’re tired
– be a patient and courteous driver and refrain from all aspects of aggressive driving
– reduce your speed
– wear your seatbelt
– don’t use your cell phone while driving
– don’t drink and drive
– if you have information on an impaired driver call 911
Canada Road Safety Week is sponsored by Transport Canada and endorsed by police across the country in an effort to improve public safety on our roadways. Please do your part to help keep our roads safe.
For more information please visit