2011 Man Booker longlist

Man Booker longlist has been announced. This award recognizes authors from Britain, Ireland and the Commonwealth countries. This year we find three Canadian titles on the list. They are Alison Pick, Esi Edugyan and Patrick deWitt. The shortlist and ultimately the winner will be announced in the fall. A few of these titles aren’t yet available in Canada or are just plain sold out. Once they are available we’ll be sure to get copies.

The Sense of an Ending
by Julian Barnes

On Canaan’s Side
by Sebastian Barry

Jamrach’s Menagerie
by Carol Birch

The Sisters Brothers
by Patrick deWitt

Half Blood Blues
by Esi Edugyan

A Cupboard Full of Coats
by Yvvette Edwards

The Stranger’s Child
by Alan Hollinghurst

Pigeon English
by Stephen Kelman

The Last Hundred Days
by Patrick McGuinness

by A.D. Miller

Far to Go by Alison Pick

The Testament of Jessie Lamb
by Jane Rogers

Derby Day
by D.J. Taylor

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Source: http://www.thereader.ca/2008/07/2011-man-booker-longlist.html

Annual Review and Highlights from 2010-2011

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