The second episode of Take The Money and Run aired last night, and while I’m still not completely sold on the premise, the episode was stronger than last week’s premiere.
As you might recall from my review last week, I couldn’t believe it when weak brother Paul caved and told the interrogators where he and his brother had hidden the money. In fact, I couldn’t believe that the brothers would give the interrogators any information at all.
This week, the rules were cleared up a little (though still not enough) and the couple was much tougher than Paul. Married couple Jimmy and Zuly (awesome name, by the way) were much less freaked out by spending 48 hours in jail for their “crime” and never cracked.
At one point, intimidating interrogator lady told Jimmy that he didn’t “have the right to remain silent”. OK, there goes my would-be strategy of sitting there in silence. But what does that mean? Is my other would-be strategy of sitting there and quoting lyrics still plausible? You’re allowed to lie, so how much of what you say can be total B.S.?
Jimmy and Zuly did a good job hiding the case – they parked the car and ran to someone named Robert’s house, dumped the case and then ran back to the car and got on the freeway – and it made tough work for the detectives. But here’s the thing about the show – how often will the detectives themselves really win? When someone caves under interrogation, it doesn’t feel like the detectives really earned the prize money. But without someone giving up precious information or quitting, the detectives don’t have much to go on. Unfortunately, the premise of Take The Money and Run has too many holes to be anything more than yet another kinda-sorta OK summer reality show.