Taking It To The Streets

Occupy Wall Street Rally

The Occupy Wall Street movement is spreading like wildfire and some of those sparks have caught on here in Halifax. The Coast takes a closer look at Occupy Nova Scotia, a subsidiary of the broader Occupy Wall Street group, with the same message and the same platform.

Fueled by the grassroots revolution of the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and other Middle Eastern countries that saw huge political paradigm shifts and regime change brought on by a primarily leaderless, social media driven campaign, Occupy Wall Street's approach is similar. The goal of the movement is to expose the asymmetrical division and distribution of wealth between the masses and the corporate elite.

Occupy Nova Scotia is planning a rally and protest at Parade Square on October 15th.

Read the full article here: http://www.thecoast.ca/RealityBites/archives/2011/10/06/occupy-nova-scotia-gears-up


Let ‘em Eat Cake .....

Let ‘em Eat Cake …..

Charleston Riding Boots