Getting Ready for Christmas in the Gym

Christmas is coming… I know, I know… SHUT UP!  But in reality, Christmas is just over a month away, and that means lots of turkey, a lot of sweets and a lot of gravy, in THAT and any other order I want to eat them. So what I’ve decided to do this year is prepare for Christmas BEFORE it hits, that way I’m I don’t feel guilty for the few days I gorge during the Holidays and that way I’m not buried in the New Year, trying to make some stupid resolution about getting back to the gym. During the 30 Day Burpee Challenge, I haven’t been hitting the gym much and my diet on the weekends has been worse than normal, but starting yesterday, I’m kicking it up a notch or two and getting my sorry ass to the gym and not eating any cheeseburgers on Sundays while I watch football.  There are lots of healthy alternatives to my favorite junk foods and I’m going to start eating them. I have a kick-ass healthy nacho recipe, a bitchin’ ground turkey burger recipe and a homemade pizza recipe that will make you come up with your own curse word to describe it.  These are the little tricks I’m going to use to help me not cave on the weekends and help keep shitty McDonalds cheeseburgers and lame Dominos pizza out of my mouth.  These “healthy” alternatives aren’t my every day meals, they’re simply how I’ll cope with the weekend and not cave in to unhealthy fast food. If you’re interested in what I’m going to be eating, you can follow my diet on My Fitness Pal as I plan on logging my food diary and if you’re looking for workout ideas, I’ll be posting my workouts daily under the category “Workouts – A Month of Workouts”. This is going to be a lot of work, but I’m VERY excited to get my ass in gear and get back to a place where I’m happy with myself. How do you prepare for the Holidays?  Do you watch what you eat over Christmas? Do you do New Years resolutions?...

Getting Ready for Christmas in the Gym

Christmas is coming…

I know, I know… SHUT UP!  But in reality, Christmas is just over a month away, and that means lots of turkey, a lot of sweets and a lot of gravy, in THAT and any other order I want to eat them.

So what I’ve decided to do this year is prepare for Christmas BEFORE it hits, that way I’m I don’t feel guilty for the few days I gorge during the Holidays and that way I’m not buried in the New Year, trying to make some stupid resolution about getting back to the gym.

During the 30 Day Burpee Challenge, I haven’t been hitting the gym much and my diet on the weekends has been worse than normal, but starting yesterday, I’m kicking it up a notch or two and getting my sorry ass to the gym and not eating any cheeseburgers on Sundays while I watch football.  There are lots of healthy alternatives to my favorite junk foods and I’m going to start eating them.

I have a kick-ass healthy nacho recipe, a bitchin’ ground turkey burger recipe and a homemade pizza recipe that will make you come up with your own curse word to describe it.  These are the little tricks I’m going to use to help me not cave on the weekends and help keep shitty McDonalds cheeseburgers and lame Dominos pizza out of my mouth.  These “healthy” alternatives aren’t my every day meals, they’re simply how I’ll cope with the weekend and not cave in to unhealthy fast food.

If you’re interested in what I’m going to be eating, you can follow my diet on My Fitness Pal as I plan on logging my food diary and if you’re looking for workout ideas, I’ll be posting my workouts daily under the category “Workouts – A Month of Workouts”.

This is going to be a lot of work, but I’m VERY excited to get my ass in gear and get back to a place where I’m happy with myself.

How do you prepare for the Holidays?  Do you watch what you eat over Christmas? Do you do New Years resolutions?


How I Met Your Mother: Noooo! But, Yes.

The Bees Knees – The Bluenose II