If you have a child who will be 5 years of age by December 31st, 2012 who will be attending public school in September, you need to register your child for school by March 1st.
Proof of residence, your child’s birth certificate and health card number (and expiry) are all required at the time of registration. You simply take these documents to your local school to register your child. Students who wish to enter French immersion register at their local school (not all schools offer this option).
Bedford families considering French Immersion Primary in September are invited to attend a French Immersion Information Session on Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm in the gym at the Eaglewood site.
Please note: All registration for Sunnyside Elementary School students takes place at the Eaglewood site, not Fort Sackville or Waverley Road.
For more information on the primary registration process, to access forms, or to find out whether you live in a district offering early immersion, please check out www.hrsb.ns.ca.
For information on whether your child is eligible to be educated with the Acadian schoolboard, Conseil scolaire acadien provincial (CSAP), please check out csap.ednet.ns.ca.
Source: http://www.bedfordbeacon.com/primary-registration-for-september-2012-begins-today