Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

L-A: Almost Fall! It’s starts tomorrow, but that didn’t stop me from breaking out favourite number one….

1. Bean Boots!! 

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

At least my big feet aren’t this big


Yessssss! I’m making all kinds of fetch happen with these bad boys and I’m doing it earlier than usual. And you know what? I’m going to try buying more LL Bean this winter and I’m not going to look like a soccer mom. This is my challenge to myself.

2. Summer colours moving on out.

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

This is just a small selection of my collection. I may have a problem.

I’m sure I’ll wear the summer colours at some point, but with the first day of Fall about to happen, I’m focusing on the new dark colours for a bit. This week is the second from the right (Mink Muffs).

3. Arm party party!

During my recent work party, this happened:

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

As if I needed more reasons to love my co-workers.

One has a borrowed arm party, but that’s okay. I still love this so much.

4. Arm party upgrades!

I wear my bracelets every day, which means some start to die. The super sparkly one above that I picked up at Foreign Affair? I may have worn it to death. I’m going to try to recycle the hardware. But in the meantime, check out these bitchin’ new bracelets:

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

Husband got me the nautical Kiel James Patrick and the turquoise/brown is by halfsix. The halfsix party goer is from an awesome new store in town – Second Storey – which is all kinds of lovely and you need to visit tout de suite.

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition

Where you can find Second Storey on Queen St.

 It’s on what I’m told we now call vintage row. Which I’m down with. So long as I have a place to go on Saturdays to buy myself pretty things. (It’s across from the wine store. So, basically, bit of street in the city).

5. I, like almost every lady I know, is losing my shit over this.

Favourite Friday – the September 21st edition


No, it’s not on in Canada or the States. You’ll have to wait or find it via means I know nothing about, but have heard rumours of. But damn. 1920s fancy weddingtimes coming up! I will talk about this in full at a later date. Because let’s face it, there is more Random Style Iconery coming from this fictional ladies. I am so ready for flapper Sybil.

Also, anyone want to put money on how many wedding pinboards already include that dress? Versus how many weddings will for reals go 1920s styles?

6. Getting my hair did.

Holy toledo, does that ever need to happen. It’s a favourite because it’s happening tomorrow. And it’ll be a favourite next week because it’s been an awful long time coming (this is what happens when you wear your hair in braids for most of the summer – you don’t notice how long it’s getting).

7. Crossover Hipster Adjacent Jam of the Week

I was going to call this the Hipster Adjacent Jam of the Week (as Jill has declared me to be hipster adjacent and I’m just going to roll with it, even though I’m not sure if she meant it as a good thing), but there are Fraggles in this video, so it’s a total crossover hit (because, let’s face it, the number of people excited for new P!nk outnumbered a Ben Folds Five reunion before the Fraggles).

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Ally: Sorry for the delay in getting you the Crappy Pop Video of the Week. I know you’ve been eagerly awaiting this moment.

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Just one of those days I’d prefer to be dancing in front of a mirror is all.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FashionablePeople/~3/RIddOhWOEcY/

Dancing For Our Stars – Travis Barlow

Glee – Oops, They Did It Again