Chebucto Connections, the local development agency, is holding a meet and greet to promote their timebanking program. Here’s a bit from the Chebucto Connections website on what it is:
A Time Bank is a program where you offer your time to help community members and in return “earn” an equal amount of time in help that you can receive.
When you spend an hour helping, you earn an hour in your Time Bank account. You may use that hour by accessing the help offered by other Time Bank members. The greater the number of members, the more variety there is in services and help.
Anyway, the summer coordinator Katherine Ryan says there are about 49 people signed up but many are not active members, and this is the purpose of the meet up. How can the program be better used? Oh and here’s a confession: I am one of those delinquent members, as I signed up for the timebank to explore how it worked. But I never gave or took so much as an hour of anyone’s time. So here’s the invitation
We will be holding a meet and greet at both 4-5pm and 7-8pm on Thursday, July 11th. The event will include one or two fun activities as well as some brainstorming about how we as members foresee the timebank succeeding and contributing to our community. Food will be provided!!
Where: 52, 16 Dentith Road, Community Wellness Centre
When: Thursday July 11th, 4pm or 7pm
Please RSVP by Friday, July 5th and include the following:
Attending? Yes (4pm or 7pm or both); No
Require Child Care? Yes (How old, special notes);
Bringing a friend? If yes you will earn one timebank hour!
call: 477.0964