A Moment Comes by Jennifer Bradbury

A Young Adult crossover

A Moment Comes by Jennifer Bradbury

India in 1947, three teenagers struggle to find their way, their place, and their purpose in an everchanging world.

Three different people – Tariq, an eighteen year old Muslim whose sole dream is to go to Oxford and get an education worthy of this own Grandfather’s dream. Margaret just arrived in India with her cartographer father and is ready to ‘make a difference’ and live a little. And lastly, Anupreet, a Sikh who is strikingly beautiful, even with the mysterious scar running down her face.

All three people meet and are thrown into the chaos that is India as it sets new land boundaries and changes in front of one’s eyes

From Bradbury:

“This novel was born out of my experiences teaching in the Punjab region of India while on a Fulbright exchange in 2005. The scars of the partition–the separation of India and Pakistan into independent states after the British ceded control of India in 1947–are still very near the surface. The novel is a small slice of what life might have been like for three very different people caught up in this tumultuous time.”

I love it when I end up learning about the history and culture of a country when I read a book.

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