Lately I’ve been watching big machines tearing up a lot of ground in a couple of developments along Northwest Arm Drive. There’s a whole development across from Long Lake where I can see they’re incorporating another turning lane into what will be a big subdivision:
There’s also the construction of the second phase of the Waterton Condominium project on Walter Havill Drive, which is basically just a couple of stoplights down from the first development.
Seems like a lot of people coming into a relatively small area, isn’t it?
A colleague at CBC talked to Atlantic Developments back in July about the project across from Long Lake. It is going to house 900 new residents. The company said its studies showed the existing infrastructure won’t be strained by that many new people coming in. For me, I’m waiting to see what the combined effect of ALL the new developments will be on traffic on the Herring Cove Road.