

I’ve previously mentioned Halifax’s own Lauren Oostveen (I honestly have no idea how that’s pronounced) for her terrific film-centric editorial that’s featured weekly in The Chronicle Herald; but this time it’s because she has come up with a brilliant fundraising idea to contribute to Bust a Move (NS breast health services).

So it’s a terrific cause. You do like terrific causes, don’t you?

The idea: an Oscar pool! If you claim to be as madly, deeply knowledgeable about all things film like I do, then answer this challenge by taking part! At the very least, you’ll have donated $10 to breast cancer research. At the very best, you’ll have won some dolla dolla billz (y’all) and bragging rights the land over!

The breakdown via Oostveen herself…

1. It’s $10.00 to participate. Winner takes all. In the case of a tie, I’ll come up with a very impartial tie-breaker.

2. You can drop $$$ off at my work (Public Archives Building at Dal), or arrange to meet up with me somewhere in Halifax/the wilds of Dartmouth. If you’re interested in sending money through Paypal,DM me and I’ll send you my address.

3. You have until the day before the Oscars to make your predictions. When you’ve made your choices, send me an email (laurieoostie at hotmail dot com) and confirm that these are your final picks. Include ALL categories, even the insane technical ones that no one cares about. On Oscar night, I’ll print all of these off and keep score. I’ll try to tweet through the night so you know who’s in the lead.

4. Winner will get the cash, internet glory, and movie buff status.

5. Choose… wisely.

So that’s it that’s all!

On a related note, if you’re going to be in Halifax during the Oscars on February 27th, be sure to catch the awards at the Carbon Arc Cinema (Khyber Club, 1588 Barrington St, 3rd Floor)! If you’re in Toronto, like me, Bloor Cinema is the cool place to be!

Also, what’s up with all the Anne Hathaway hate? Back off. She my girl*.

*She not actually my girl.

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