
A First Food

The Little Peanut turned 6 months old recently and it was time to introduce solid foods! How fun!  Actually he was ready for solids a few weeks before turning 6 months, so we introduced them at about 5 1/2 months. After perusing (great resource by the way) and lots of other reading about first baby foods, I decided that avocado was a great place to start.  It’s a real whole food; actually it’s a perfect food!  It’s jam packed with tons of nutrients and healthy fats – everything a baby needs. Nothing against baby cereals because he eats that now too, but most of them have been stripped of their nutritional profile (just like instant oatmeals) and then have been fortified after processing so I decided that I wanted his first solid food to be unprocessed. 

There is very little work to preparing an avocado for a baby – just cut open, scoop out the flesh, mash with a fork (or put it in a food processor) and then thin it out with breast milk or formula to a consistency your baby is comfortable with and being his first solid, I made it more on the runny side.

I was so excited for this day to come. I love watching him experience new things 🙂

It was finally time and here he is all skeptical like he knew something was “up:”


He opened his mouth like a little birdie but you could tell he was still very cautious about this new experience:

“Like seriously Mom, what IS this new sensation in my mouth?”

And since he’s all “grabby graberson” he decided from the get go that he was going to have a hand in this feeding process of course:

“Mom why not just let me at the whole bowl?!”

“Okay what’s next?!”

He ate it alllll up and I think it’s safe to say he was very excited about his new experience!

Since then we’ve added banana to it to make “bananacado” and he LOVES it! 

I’ve also gotten up to my elbows in making my own baby food and have an upcoming post about making that and a review of some pre-packaged (frozen) organic baby food from Baby Gourmet so stay tuned!

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