
A Frugal Thanksgiving Dinner

A Frugal Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner © by japharl

It is that time of year here in Canada, thanksgiving will be celebrated in many homes. Even though there is just my daughter and I we still celebrate Thanksgiving with a traditional meal, then I use the left overs in the week after.

If you have ever planned a Thanksgiving meal, you know that it can get expensive. Thanks to a gift card I have to Sobeys this year I will be getting $20 off my turkey and that is a big savings for us. So how can we have a frugal Thanksgiving meal?

Limit your selection of you main dish. Have the turkey, roast beef or ham, but cook only one. Not a selection unless you are feeding an army. At the same time choose the right size bird or cut of meat. One pound of meat is usually enough, that is unless you do have plans for all those leftovers.

Balance your expensive and cheap dishes. Yams, potatoes, and carrots are all on sale this week, as is pumpkin. Think pumpkin pie, instead of say a trifle. Glazed carrots are yummy, as is sweet potato pie. Think what can I make with less expensive ingredients that will still taste yummy.

Delegate a dish or two if you are having guests. Ask that they bring a salad, or maybe the dessert, or wine.

Decorate with nature. We love using pinecones, gourds, and leaves.

Take advantage of the sales flyers. Have you checked them lately? What loss leader could you use? Take advantage while you can.

All these ways of saving have helped my daughter and I to have a frugal divine Thanksgiving meal.

Here is our Menu..

Roasted Turkey

Classic Bread Stuffing

Mashed Potatoes


Whipped Sweet Potato Bake

Maple Glazed Carrots

Pumpkin pie and whipped cream


This works for us. I will be sharing this as part of Works for me over at We are THAT Family.


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