A man faces a child pornography charge after a search of a Bedford residence

On September 7, offi­cers in the Internet Child Exploitation Unit of the integrat­ed Criminal Investig­ation Division began an investigation af­ter receiving inform­ation via Interpol regarding online child pornography. The pornography involved images of children and youth on electron­ic devices and a soc­ial media site.

Just after 2 p.m. on September 8, invest­igators conducted a search of a residence in Bedford and sei­zed electronic devic­es for forensic anal­ysis. A man inside the residence was arr­ested without incide­nt.

Sixty-five-year-old Alan Payne of Manche­ster, England appear­ed in Halifax Provin­cial Court on Septem­ber 11 to face one count of possession of child pornography.


Source: Media Release

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