
A message from the NS SPCA. – Pets in hot cars

A message via the NS SPCA

“There is NO excuse for leaving a pet in a hot car! With the warm weather we have had these past few days we wan to remind the public to keep your pets at home while running errands!

Even with the window cracked or parking in the shade, or blasting the AC before you get out to run into the store- your pet cannot withstand this heat. It’s not worth losing your best friend or receiving the nearly $700.00 fine!

Here’s what to do if you see a pet in hot vehicle:
– call the local RCMP or the Nova Scotia SPCA’s toll free line at: (877) 703-7722
– stay with the vehicle and record the license plate, make and model to pass along to police and SPCA
– if you are in a shopping complex, go inside and ask them to make an announcement over the PA system
– DO NOT break the window- we know it’s everyone’s first reaction, but please leave it to the authorities to handle this

Be safe everyone! Remember to take evening walks when it’s cooler during hot days like today. The pavement is also too hot for the pads of our pets feet!”


Source: Media Release. / NS SPCA

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