I love video games! I always have. I’ve had a Nintendo since as far back as I can remember. I still have my original Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game Cube, Sega, Sega Genesis and Xbox at my parents place. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, but my parents always made sure we had our game systems and when we got old enough, my brother and I would save all of our summer money and buy the latest and greatest system and games. As an adult I’ve had an Xbox 360 for years and I’ve upgraded the system to the newer one every time it’s come out. Like I said, I’m a sucker for video games.
That being said, I’m not one of those guys who ignores his fiancé and doesn’t do other things, but I like playing for an hour or two before bed and occasionally I taking a full Saturday or Sunday and play video games.
That is, up until recently…
About three months ago, I decided that it was time to sell the Xbox 360. I took two weeks off from playing it and realized that I could accomplish A LOT in that hour or two every evening. Whether it was writing a blog post, researching a product, studying for my PT certification, working out, prepping meals, or whatever else, I realized that I could further my life a lot more with just an added hour or two a day. This was enough to convince me that I needed to sell the Xbox.
Since selling the game system and all my games to a young family for their kids to use, I’ve done so much. I’ve become a personal trainer, I’ve travelled 5,000km to California to cover the CrossFit Games, I’ve gotten engaged, I’ve grown Your Inner Skinny and following and I’ve started up my old design and marketing comapany, untitled design.
Now I’m not saying that this is ALL because of the fact that I sold my Xbox, but what I am saying is thas it has a lot to do with that extra time and effort I’ve put into myself in the last few months instead of video games.
Last year I played Halo Reach for 8 hours to help raise money for the IWK Children’s Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia by Gaming and Giving for Good and I plan on doing it again this year, but besides that, I really don’t miss it that much. That is until the new Xbox system comes out and we’ll see what happens.
Is there something in your life you’ve given up to better yourself personally or that you may need to give up to help you move your career or studies further? It’s been helpful for me, maybe it could be for you too!
Source: http://www.yourinnerskinny.ca/life-changing-decision/