
A Year in Review

A Year in Review What a year 2011 turned out to be! It was filled with both highs and lows.

The year started with me unemployed, but I did not stay that way for long. By the end of the year I became a buisness owner,small buisness but still. Working with kids again is a joy.

I also became a better blogger this year I think. I found out I was amongst the top 100 tweeters from Toronto on Twitter, and one of the top 20 individual bloggers in the city as well. I want to say I have been blessed this year by every connection I have made. I got to meet many more in the Social Media community and it has been a pleasure getting to know so many people.

I also got to attend more then a few Social Media/Blogging conferences this year. The year started early with Social Media Camp and Podcamp Toronto. Then in the fall I attended both She’s Connected and Blissdom Canada. I again must thank my now friend, Annie Urban who made sure I got to Blissdom Canada.

Personally it was a joy for me to get to write about a few of my favorite brands and even get paid to do so. I loved working with each brand this year, and I can’t wait to see what 2012 will bring.

I was honored when Savvy Mom picked me as one of thier favorite 35 blogs after reviewing over 700 blogs. Really I did a happy dance that day.

On the personal front relationships both begun and ended this year. Some where difficult to see go. But one lesson I have learned sometimes someone comes into your life for a seson and enriches it but then it is time to move on your own path.

My daughter Rachel’s year started very roughly and I am thrilled to say we are ending it on a high note.

We battled bulling for the first 6 months of the year, which even saw Rachel not in school for 2 months. Really the spring took a toll on her, by the summer she needed the time to simply recharge.The only highlight Rachel had from her time at Ionview Public School was a play she got to be in this spring called Pink Lemonade. She made a great Mother Goose.

The summer sawus enjoying the sights of Toronto with friends who visited, getting to Wonderland thanks to my friend Scott Stratten, getting to the Ex on Warrior’s Day and hitting the beach.

This fall Rachel started at Alpha 2, a wonderful school in the TDSB that uses an unique approach to Education where Rachel is thriving. She is happier then I have seen her in years which is a good thing.

Overall 2011 brought joy, hard work, new friends, and fun. Along the way there were some sour notes but by the end of the year we were optimisitically looking forward to the adventures of 2012.


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