
Amazing Samples


I have been intrigued by seeing the Amazing Grass products on other blogs and had ventured to their web site a few different times contemplating placing an order, but each and every time I’d get lost in all of the different products, slightly confused with the difference between this one and that one and I couldn’t bare the thought of spending $X+ on something I’d have no idea was actually “good.”  The “$X+” refers to a Canadian ordering an American product and paying the “extra” for the currency exchange and duty when crossing the border.

Would it end up like the half full container of chalky protein powder that no doubt exists in many of your cupboards?

So I was SUPER thrilled that Amazing Grass gave me the opportunity to try ‘em ALL for the blog!  WOOT!  Then I’d know for sure which ones were worth the moolah AND I can tell ya’ll my opinion on them!

What I WASN’T thrilled about was when Purolator shows up with my package  COD and I was stuck paying $49 DUTY FEES for FREE samples!!!  huh??  Not.So.Free!!!  I happen to know that at least one other Canadian blogger did not have to pay duty on her free samples, only when she actually purchased an order.  So I am awaiting a response from them to try to straighten that out! (Hmmmm, it’s been quite a few days now.)  Not cool to have to PAY for free samples, n0?

Anyway, on to the good stuff…Where to start?  Chocolate, of course!  I mixed up an “Amazing” smoothie for breakfast:


The mix:

  • 1 serving Chocolate Infusion Amazing Meal
  • 1c unsweetened vanilla almond breeze
  • ~1/2c steamed spinach (I steamed up the rest of a container of spinach last night that I felt was past it’s salad prime and had it in the fridge)
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • a few ice cubes
  • =3 POINTS

Okay so if you’re anything like me, you didn’t really know the difference between the SuperFoods, Wheat Grass and Amazing Meal?

“Amazing Meal is a powerful and satisfying blend of Green SuperFoods, plant based protein, phytonutrient rich fruits & vegetables, digestive enzymes and probiotics. The way Mother Nature intended…Organic, Raw and Delicious.”

You just never know how these things are going to work out!  I’m now used to adding spinach to my smoothies and have gotten used to the green colour, although it’s been a while since I’ve had one.

The Verdict:  it rocked 🙂

Thumbs up for the Chocolate Infusion Amazing Meal! It kept me full for about 2-3 hours which is pretty normal for me for breakfast.  Not chalky or yucky at all!  Although I certainly did have other ingredients in the smoothie, but c’mon I’m pretty sure whatever added yum the banana gave it had to be cancelled out by the spinach! 😛

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