Isn’t it cute how Randy says that this season of American Idol is the girls’ to lose? Adorable. I’d think he was serious if he weren’t the only judge with experience on the panel, but he knows better. White Guys With Guitars have been winning this show since 2008. The voting formula hasn’t changed, so why should I believe that trend is over?
This week, the top ten women sang so that America can vote through five of them. Let’s talk performances.
Zoanette Johnson – “What’s Love Got To Do With It”
Great karaoke performance! Zoanette can only get by so far on personality. Come on guys, this is mostly shouting.
Breanna Steer – “Flaws and All”
Last week Breanna didn’t impress me with “Bust Your Windows”, and this week she fell flat again with a Beyonce song I’d never heard. She sang fine, but it was boring.
Aubrey Cleland – “Big Girls Don’t Cry”
Aubrey was one of my favorite girls, but this song isn’t my favorite. It made her voice sound kind of whiny, and I wasn’t that into it. But I still really enjoy her.
Janelle Arthur – “If I Can Dream”
My knowledge of Elvis songs is embarrassingly limited, so I didn’t know this song. But I thought Janelle’s performance was confident and beautiful.
Tenna Torres – “Lost”
Ugh. Melodramatic. Pitchy. A sappy ballad. There were too many things to hate about this performance.
Angela Miller – “Never Gone”
Choosing a little known song from a forgotten Idol seventh-place finisher is an interesting choice. It’s a Christian song, which should play well to the voters. Angela is a fantastic singer, I love that she plays the piano, and she’s still my favorite so far in the competition.
Amber Holcomb – “I Believe In You”
I love this song a lot, and it’s a tough one to sing . Amber wasn’t fantastic, but she certainly held her own. I still think she needs to work on confidence and stage presence, but the performance was decent.
Kree Harrison – “Stronger”
There were so many damn ballads tonight, I was almost hoping this would be the Britney Spears song. But of course not. I’ve always liked Kree and hoped she’d do well. Most of this was really boring, but she nailed the big notes. If I had to choose between country gals, I’d go with Janelle but I’ll be happy if they both make it through.
Adriana Latonio – “Stand Up For Love”
What? THIS song? Of all the awesome Destiny’s Child songs? Bad move. This was a disaster. This girl is tiny and looks a little like Jessica Sanchez, but she doesn’t hold a candle to her.
Candice Glover – “Ordinary People”
Awesome song choice, and from the very beginning I adored this performance. This was my favorite performance of the night.
- Candice Glover
- Angela Miller
- Janelle Arthur
- Aubrey Cleland
- Kree Harrison
- Amber Holcomb
- Breanna Steer
Those were my favorite seven, and I won’t bother ranking the last three as I don’t think any of them deserve to be in the top ten. What did you guys think? Can a girl win this year? Who were your favorites?