
American Idol: No Doubt, The 80s Were Bad

American Idol: No Doubt, The 80s Were Bad It was 80s night on American Idol, so Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal showed up to offer some advice. Steven Tyler celebrated by dressing in the style of the 1970s, while Randy appeared in a fetching polka dot shirt.

Let’s get to the performances, shall we?

DeAndre Brackensick – “I Like It”

My feelings on DeAndre haven’t changed. I didn’t know this song, and his singing style is just not for me. So much squealing. So many high pitched things going on. So much hairography. It was probably one of DeAndre’s better performances, but it still wasn’t for me.

Elise Testone – “I Want To Know What Love Is”

I like Elise a lot, and so does Gwen Stefani…so the natural conclusion is that Gwen and I could totes be BFFs, right? I like Elise’s voice almost as much as I hate her half-a-puffy shirt. Elise! You don’t wanna be a pirate! That said, I kind of found this song and performance boring. Even a surprise choir couldn’t save it.

Colton & Skylar singing “Islands In The Stream”: This was probably the most reserved we’ve ever seen Skylar, and it was nice. The duet was really nice and particularly showcased Skylar’s talent. Colton sounded fantastic, but had a more mellow role in the duet.

Phillip Phillips – “That’s All”

“That’s All” kind of describes Phillip himself at this point, doesn’t it? I like his voice. I like his performances. But he’s sort of a one trick pony. This is all his does – that’s all. This was a decent performance, but I’m getting bored with Phillip.

DeAndre & Holly singing “I’m So Excited”: Oh. This song. Really? This was so cheesy. DeAndre sold that he was SO excited, but Holly just looked like she was having an OK time. Holly really belted out at the end though, and also major props to her for pulling off that outfit.

Joshua Ledet – “If You Don’t Know Me By Now”

OK, this is a song that I think should be retired from the American Idol catalog. Maybe it’s only been done a couple of other times, but I feel like that’s enough. It seems tired. This was decidedly not my favorite Joshua performance, even though he was rocking a whimsical flower on his odd pajama-like suit. He took it to church and sang the hell out of it, but it just wasn’t my favorite song.

Jessica Sanchez – “How Will I Know”

I actually love this song, and since we already know Jessica can pull off Whitney I was excited to hear her do one of Whitney’s uptempo songs. It wasn’t Jessica’s best performance and it didn’t show off her amazing voice as some other songs could have. But it was fun and young, and I think she needed that.

Phillip & Elise singing “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”: Elise and Phillip are perfect for a duet together the way Casey and Haley were meant to duet last season. I actually think this was better than both of their solo performances.

Hollie Cavanagh – “Flashdance…What A Feeling”

It’s really unbelievable how old the stylists manage to make Hollie look on stage, when she looks like a cute little kid at rehearsals. Isn’t there a happy medium? The beginning of the song was awkward (and I’m not even talking about that conversation with Seacrest), but I thought she found the swing of things in the chorus. Still, it wasn’t great. Was the key wrong for her? It never felt like she found the right melody. It was just an uncomfortable arrangement and performance, which is too bad since I do like Hollie.

Jessica & Joshuasinging “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)”: This song was fun, really suited Jessica and Joshua, and they sounded wonderful on it. The duets this week were really my favorite performances.

Colton Dixon – “Time After Time”

Just from the snippet we heard during Colton’s rehearsal, I knew I’d like this performance. I love this song, and it was surprisingly perfect for him. In fact, I think he should have gotten the final pimp spot of the night. But I suppose the performance wasn’t bombastic enough for that. Still, this is a song I’d actually buy on iTunes. And I hardly ever do that.

Skylar Laine – “Wind Beneath My Wings”

Aw. We all get a little teared up when we think about Beaches, right? Skylar’s performance was subdued in all the right parts, and she brought it when she needed to. I love that Skylar is such an adorable little fire cracker, and I think she has the right combination of personality and talent to make it in the country music industry. Skylar likely won’t win this and she doesn’t need to. She just needs to stick around long enough to make an impression. And someone needs to make an animated gif of Skylar excitedly raising the roof and then clapping, STAT.

OK y’all, rankings time!

  1. Colton Dixon (Last week #7)
  2. Skylar Laine (Last week #3)
  3. Jessica Sanchez (Last week #2)
  4. Joshua Ledet (Last week #4)
  5. Elise Testone (Last week #1)
  6. Phillip Phillips (Last week #5)
  7. Hollie Cavanagh (Last week #6)
  8. DeAndre Brackensick (Unranked last week)

I thought Hollie was really weak this week, but I still generally like her better than DeAndre so she squeaked in ahead of him on my rankings.


The bottom three on Thursday night was Elise, Hollie and DeAndre. Not surprising, since I knew DeAndre would go soon, Hollie had a rough week, and Elise is a bit old to please the typical Idol demographic. Hollie was sent back to the couches first, and then Elise. DeAndre was out, and of course he wasn’t worth using the save on. Sorry DeAndre, at least you have that pretty hair to wipe your tears away with.

What did you guys think? Agree with who went home? Now head to the comments and tell me who your favorites were!


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